Following the end of the Great War many of the world’s leaders met to discuss peace and reparations. Although, each leader’s opinion differed from the other. Though most nations wanted Germany to suffer greatly with demilitarization and large fees to pay for practically causing the war, Wilson did not want to punish Germany. Instead he proposed the fourteen points that he believed would hopefully prevent another world war. These points included things such as no more secret alliances, freedom of the seas, no economic barriers, reduction of arms, self-government in colonies, evacuation of Russian territory, evacuation and restoration of Belgium, evacuation and restoration of French territories, readjustment of Italy's borders, Austria-Hungary accorded the freest opportunity to autonomous development, Rumania, Serbia, and Montenegro should be evacuated and restored, the Turkish portion of the present Ottoman Empire should be assured a secure sovereignty and Polish independence. Although Wilson had all of these ideas in mind and proposed them all the only point that was realized and acted upon was the idea of creating a League of Nations to solve disputes between countries and hopefully keep the peace. Parts of the League of Nations have actually been a template for creating sections of the United Nations which is our source of peace keeping today.
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