Sunday, September 18, 2011

LAD #3: Declaration of Independence

 Summarize the Declaration of Independence in three parts: Democratic principles, List of a handful of greivencs and a conclusion.
The Declaration of Independence consists of many new ideas for the time it was being written, 1776, to help benefit the people by giving them the liberty to do what they please while still maintaining boundaries. Many of these ideas and principles were democratic in nature to allow the people their freedoms. The democratic principles in the Declaration of Independence are that all men are created equal which includes the poor, the wealthy and blacks. Also that every person deserves a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and that the government is obligated to make sure the people are not denied their human rights. Another democratic principle is that if the government goes against their obligations the people have the right to decide whether or not they are to leave office. The democratic ideals are apparent because the Declaration of Independence was written for the people.
            The Declaration of Independence then goes on to list out America’s grievances from being under Britain’s rule to remind the people that the new laws that are being enforced will protect them from any unfair treatment by the government. Some of the grievances that the people of America are protected against that the King did to the colonists are dismissing the house of representatives whenever they disagree with his decisions, depriving the people from innocence until proven guilty by a jury, creating taxes without consent, sending out officers to harass the people without consent, cutting off trade with other countries and almost all together depriving the people from their human born rights.
            The Declaration of Independence was created for the American people and their rights as humans, making sure they are protected from the government. It officially separated the colonies from Britain’s rule and from the unfair treatment of the King. Containing many democratic ideals the Declaration of Independence is a secure document making sure that the people of America, in being independent from Britain, would never again be subjected to a government that controls them unfairly and gives the people the power to decide on how they are governed. This document is very important because it finally allows the people to partially govern themselves and gain control of their own lives instead of the government fully ruling over them.

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