Sunday, March 11, 2012

LAD #35: FDR's Executive Order #9066

        Due to the horrific bombing on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese the President and the people of America became very wary of the Japanese and were cautious when dealing with them. This cautiousness was directed mainly towards the Japanese Americans living in America. They were seen as a threat just because they were Japanese and thought to be spies even if they had nothing to do with the bombing of Pearl Harbor.  The paranoia and fear that the bombing of Pearl Harbor brought onto America caused the executive order #9066 to be put into action. This action allowed for military areas to be set up that would hold Japanese families, keeping them in one specific place away from other Americans. These relocation camps held nearly 120,000 Japanese people and cut them off from the rest of America even if they were innocent. This order also effected some other groups like those of German ancestry, but was still mainly centered on the internment of the Japanese. This order exhibited the great paranoia that was caused in America by the bombing of Pearl Harbor. Though he did order possible traitors to America to be relocated into these camps FDR also called for proper supplies, transportation and for the soldiers to properly respect the detainees.

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