Wednesday, October 12, 2011

LAD #9


    Unlike some of the other inaugural addresses before that of Thomas Jefferson’s, his started out much more humble and he admits to being nervous about his new position and calls upon his peers to support him in this stressful time. Though he is nervous Jefferson makes it clear that he is ready for the huge responsibility of running the country. He also stresses how important it is for the country to become united along with following the laws that were established for the good of the people. He reassures people that the government is going to protect them but pleads with them to follow the laws the government created so every person is treated equally and help America become united. Jefferson then goes on to tell the people of America what he will do in his term to make America the best it can be. His promises include a well-developed and trained militia to protect the people of America, he also promises that the rights of the people would be protected he also encourages the people to continue in agriculture to provide commerce and add to benefitting the economy. Jefferson accepts the position he has been given, he thanks the people for their confidence in him and realizes that not everyone will agree with his decisions but assures them that he is ready and willing to take on the important burden of becoming President of America.

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