Saturday, October 29, 2011

LAD #10: Monroe Doctrine

     The Monroe Doctrine states that America does not want to become involved with other countries problems unless it directly affects their people. Only if the American peoples rights and liberties are threatened will America become involved with other countries. America feels this way because of all of the blood that has been shed when dealing with problems outside of their own country. America is already its own independent nation so therefore becoming neutral would help it grow further because then they would not have to deal with the problems of other countries while also building their own nation. The European nations would still be able to build their own nation without America's help and that they should not interfere with the development and ideals of America. Because Europe at the time was still unsettled Monroe stated that they should follow America's lead so that they too can have control of their nations. He says that if America is not going to try and change the way that other countries are being run than other countries should reciprocate by not trying to take control of America, colonize it or change the way that America is run. They also should not try to do the same with other countries and if they did do this than they would disrupt the peace and control of America which would not be good for any country. Monroe wanted other countries to realize that they could become neutral just as America and that they did not have to try and colonize America.

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