Sunday, November 13, 2011

LAD#11: The Seneca Falls Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions


Woman were beginning to realize that they were not offered as many rights as the men in America were and began taking actions towards fixing that problem. Woman are promised the same inalienable rights that were created in the constitution and therefore should be given the right to vote to ensure that all their rights are protected and be allowed to vote. In the Seneca Falls Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions, there are many cases listed in which men have hindered women’s privileges to exercise her full rights. Some examples of this are woman were supposed to follow laws that the men created and they were not able to contribute to, when a woman becomes married she loses all of her property to her husband and if the two were ever to separate the man has the power to choose what each person gets to keep in the separation. There are many more of these problems listed and all of them go against the constitution. Also included in this document are several resolutions to the problems that were posed earlier. Such as woman are the equals of men and should be treated as such, it is up to the women of America to stand up for their rights and achieve that and that women should realize that their rights have not been offered to them and fight to obtain them so that America can actually become a country that allows all people to practice their inalienable rights. This document was a big step that woman needed to take towards realizing that they were not given their human rights that they deserved and take actions towards obtaining these rights.

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