Saturday, November 19, 2011

LAD #14: Lincoln's First Inaugural Adress

   Lincoln starts out his inaugural address by assuring the southern states that they do not need to worry about a Republican being voted into office because he would make sure their rights and their property would be protected. He also assures that he does not feel he has any right to get involved with the issue of slavery in certain states. Lincoln is not a president that goes back on what he promises and uses that as another way of assuring the southern states that they don’t need to be worried about him doing anything they will dislike, the rights of the states will be fully enforced under Lincoln.  With the promise for the southern states that their rights would be protected, Lincoln also promises to all states that as long as he is president than everything stated in the constitution about their rights will be followed. He did also say that though he was not going to mess with what states had slavery, he was however not going to allow slavery to spread to other states. The unity of the United States was a very important thing to him that he wanted to maintain by making sure every state’s rights were fully protected. He believed that if any state seceded it would be unconstitutional and tear the country apart which he really wanted to prevent. Keeping the country as unified as he could was very important to Lincoln and he stressed this all throughout his address. He also stresses that it is in the hands of the American people whether there would be a Civil War or not but it is his hope that it would not have to come to that.

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