Monday, November 14, 2011

LAD #13: Calhoun on The Clay Compromise Measures


    In this compromise Calhoun’s biggest concern was the protection and preservation of the Union. He believes that the Union is in danger because most or all of the southern states are not happy with the way America is being run at this time and also that the southern states have not been happy for quite a while. He states that the reason the southern states are unhappy is because the northern elites of America have been only concerned with their own well-being and have not tried to include the South’s needs in any of their actions. The South and the North were also split into different political parties and therefore were not unified because of their political differences. One of the major factors in the South was the issue over the existence of slavery that was so important to the southern way of life but was also so against human rights. With all of the privileges the wealthy northerners had in the government it was shifted more towards the north, giving them dominance over most decisions made. Basically everything the North was doing was hurting the South in some way which caused the major tensions between the two to continue to grow. The government was supposed to be created for all of the people of America but it seemed to Calhoun that the south did not have nearly enough say in what happens in the government. Many aspects caused the disunion in America but the south was almost up to its limit of having to deal with the North constantly getting what only they wanted. Calhoun warned that if this problem continued to happen eventually the South would lose their control and turn against the North to receive the power they believed they deserved. As Calhoun predicted this eventually did happen. He also thought the only way to keep the states unified is by forcing the weaker states to comply with the bigger states demands. Calhoun recognized this as a big problem and wrote to the senators to try and allow them to realize this as well and prevent the future breaking of American unity.

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