Wednesday, January 4, 2012

LAD #22: McKinley's War Message

    McKinley’s main focus in this message was his disconcert that was directed towards the war in Cuba between the Cubans and the Spaniards where America was originally staying Neutral. McKinley feels that the war has been creating a large problem for the people of America because of the amount of effort needed to maintain the war and the immense problems that occurred because of the war. Included in these issues is that America was now forced to face enormous losses in their commerce and trade with Cuba. These losses caused the American people to become frustrated with their nation. There was also the problem with the brutal fighting practices that were developing in the war. The horrific warfare that was occurring greatly disturbed the American people. Due to the problems that were occurring in America because of the tensions between Cuba and Spain McKinley wanted to achieve armistice and end the bloody war as peacefully as possible. He believes that it is America’s duty to protect its own men and that this is a very important thing that should be done also that America owes it to Cuba, to provide them with the rights that they deserve. The reason McKinley wanted to intervene between Cuba and Spain was to try and fix the many problems that were occurring because of their tensions. What he believes is of the utmost importance is bringing peace back to America by stopping the menace that has brought so much trouble to America. Such as his concern with how close to home the fighting was which was shown from the destruction of the Maine. He finally states that the issue is now in the hands of the Congress and he has tried as hard as he can to prove to them that something has to be done because the fighting has become intolerable. Staying neutral was not going to help anyone in the war so something had to be done.

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