Friday, January 6, 2012

LAD #23: Populist Party Platform

The formation of this party was one of the responses to industrialization; it was a party that was opposed to big business. This party also emerged from the farmer’s alliance in the 19th century. It was also the third independent party in presidential elections. The populists also were very opposed to the corruption that big business caused. This party was angered that the workingmen of America were being denied their rights because of the few extremely rich. The Populist Party also blamed these problems that were occurring in America on the other parties, saying that they were not doing anything to stop the various issues that were occurring. They believed that it was time for the government to take control over business and help out the workingman. Along with supporting the workingman the Populist Party supported labor Unions as well. The Populist Party also wanted the government to begin taking over certain things such as controlling the railroads and telephone companies to better help the everyday person. They also wanted to restrict immigration to allow for more American workers to get jobs. They also called for fairness in elections and fairness in taxes, also the abolition of armies of mercenaries such as the Pinkerton system. All in all the Populist Party Platform was all for the people.

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