Friday, January 6, 2012

LAD #25: Dawes Act


      The purpose of the Dawes Act was to replace tribal lands owned by the Native Americans and replace them with land that was individually owned properties. This act also gave power to the president that allowed him to take the land from the Indian tribes and give it to a single Indian worker. Each head of a family was allotted one-quarter of a section. Each single person over eighteen was allotted one-eighth of a section. Each orphan child under eighteen was allotted one-eighth of a section. This was another attempt of the government to assimilate the Indian people into the American society by redistributing their land. The Indians also had the choice of applying to become an American system and begin working for the government. It was also said that if there was not enough land then it would be divided up by a class system and patents would be given out by an agent for ownership of the lands. After five years of being on the land they would be able to keep the land forever which was a change from the government having total control over their lands, the government would normally just take the land if they needed it. The surplus lands were also open to non-Indians and for railroad use. This act was passed by the congress in 1887.

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